International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Early Career Scholars Network (ECSN)

The ICTMD Early Career Scholars Network — established in July 2023 — brings together ethnomusicology students and graduates from around the world. The network aims to foster connections and engagement between early career scholars as well as serve as a focal point for emerging scholars by representing their interests within the ICTMD to ensure the organisation is better equipped to support scholars at all stages of their careers. 

The network is guided by a committee composed of ICTMD Executive Board Members and early career scholars (see below), providing spaces — both digitally and at conferences — for ECSN members to connect and grow their scholarly networks by organising events and workshops to equip those at the early stages of their academic careers to better face the challenges ahead of them. Further, the committee plays an essential pastoral role within the network, listening and reacting to members’ questions, suggestions, and comments, and regularly updating ECSN members with information and opportunities relevant to their development as scholars.

Joining ECSN

The ECSN currently communicates through a mailing list that is hosted directly by ICTMD. If you are interested in signing up for that mailing list to receive and share information relevant for early career scholars within ICTMD, be updated on any news concerning ICTMD events such as colloquia, conferences, and special meetings etc., please write a message to and we will sign you up.

Composition of Committee

Chair, ICTMD Executive Board Member:

Committee Members

Recent Postings

Upcoming Sessions for Early Career Scholars at the 48th ICTMD World Conference

We are excited to announce several special sessions tailored for early career scholars during the 48th ICTMD World Conference, set to take place in Wellington, New Zealand, in 2025. These sessions are designed to foster networking, collaboration, and professional development among emerging scholars in the field of ethnomusicology.

ECSN Meeting @ ICTM World Conference in Legon, Ghana. 18.07.2023 18:45

Join us at the meeting of the Early Career Scholars Network (ECSN) during the upcoming ICTM Conference in Ghana! Led by Co-Chairs Kendra Stepputat and Marcia Ostashewski, the ECSN consists of enthusiastic PhD students and recent graduates from around the world. We shall come together to discuss our experiences as early scholars and explore ways to enhance connections and engagement within and outside ICTM. Through digital forums, surveys, workshops, and more, we aim to support networking, career development, and academic growth for early career scholars and graduate students.