International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

History of the governance of ICTMD

The present Executive Board of the Council consists of a President, two Vice Presidents, and nine Ordinary Members, who are elected by the membership. As per ICTMD Statute 7.2., the Executive Board may also co-opt up to three additional members, while the editor of the Council’s journal is an ex-officio member of the Board for the duration of their mandate. While there has always been a President of the Council, the number of Vice Presidents and of Ordinary Executive Board Members has varied at different points in time. Before Board members were directly elected by the membership (since 2005), they were appointed by other members of the Board.

The Secretariat concerns the day-to-day running of the Council. The title of the person heading the Secretariat has changed through the years, as have the titles and functions of the person(s) assisting in this work.

The lists below celebrate the individuals who have served in these roles that are fundamental to the running of the Council. Information has been taken from Bulletins and the minutes of Executive Board meetings. We welcome any corrections.

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Executive Board


  Name Country Period  ▾
Ralph Vaughan Williams Vaughan Williams, Ralph UK 1947–1958
Jaap Kunst Kunst, Jaap The Netherlands 1959–1960
Kodály Zoltán Kodály, Zoltán Hungary 1961–1967
Willard Rhodes Rhodes, Willard USA 1967–1973
Maud Karpeles Karpeles, Maud UK 1963–1976 (Honorary)
Klaus P. Wachsmann Wachsmann, Klaus P. UK 1973–1977
Poul Rovsing Olsen Rovsing Olsen, Poul Denmark 1977–1982
Erich Stockmann Stockmann, Erich Germany 1982–1997
Anthony Seeger Seeger, Anthony USA 1997–1999
Krister Malm Malm, Krister Sweden 1999–2005
Adrienne L. Kaeppler Kaeppler, Adrienne L. USA 2005–2013
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan Portugal 2013–2021
Svanibor Pettan Pettan, Svanibor Slovenia 2021–2025
Tan Sooi Beng Tan Sooi Beng Malaysia 2025–2029

Vice Presidents

Name  ▾ Country Period
Araújo, Samuel Brazil 2023-2027
Barbeau, Marius Canada 1958-1969
Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan Portugal 1997-2001
Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan Portugal 2009-2013
Cherbuliez, Antoine-Elysée Switzerland 1948-1964
Collaer, Paul Belgium 1964-1970
Diettrich, Brian New Zealand 2025-2029
Elschek, Oskár Czechoslovakia/Slovakia 1987-1997
Kaeppler, Adrienne L. USA 2001-2005
Kennedy, Douglas UK 1975-1976
Lewin, Olive Jamaica 1987-1995
Lorenzen, Poul Denmark 1947-1951
Mahdi, Salah el- Tunisia 1983-1987
Malm, Krister Sweden 1995-1999
Marcel-Dubois, Claudie France 1967-1987
Marett, Allan Australia 2005-2009
Marinus, Albert Belgium 1947-1962
Niles, Don Papua New Guinea 2013-2017
Niles, Don Papua New Guinea 2019-2023
O’Sullivan, Donal Ireland 1962-1966
Pettan, Svanibor Slovenia 2009-2011
Pettan, Svanibor Slovenia 2017-2021
Rhodes, Willard USA 1973-1980
Sandvik, Ole Mørk Norway 1954-1968
Stockmann, Erich Germany 1975-1981
Sultanova, Razia UK 2015-2019
Tan Sooi Beng Malaysia 2021-2025
Trần Văn Khê Vietnam 1979-1987
van Zanten, Wim The Netherlands 2005-2009
Wachsmann, Klaus P. USA 1970-1973
Wild, Stephen Australia 2001-2005
Wild, Stephen Australia 2011-2015
Wiora, Walter Germany 1970-1979

Ordinary Board Members

Name  ▾ Country Period
Alexandru, Tiberiu Romania 1970-1979 (co-opted)
Almeida, Renato Brazil 1947-1964
Araújo, Samuel Brazil 1999-2001 (co-opted)
Araújo, Samuel Brazil 2009-2011 (co-opted)
Araújo, Samuel Brazil 2011-2017
Aretz de Ramón y Rivera, Isabel Venezuela 1964-1973
Avorgbedor, Daniel Ghana 2021-2023 (co-opted) 
Avorgbedor, Daniel Ghana 2023-2027
Ayyangar, Ranganayaki India 1981-1985 (co-opted)
Ayyangar, Ranganayaki India 1985-1988
Baké, Arnold A. The Netherlands 1953-1955 (co-opted)
Baké, Arnold A. The Netherlands 1958-1959 (co-opted)
Baké, Arnold A. The Netherlands 1959-1963
Bakka, Egil Norway 1999-2005
al-Barwani, Khalfan Oman 1994-1999 (co-opted)
Baud-Bovy, Samuel Switzerland 1977-1982
Baumann, Max-Peter Switzerland 1991-1997
Bayard, Samuel P. USA 1956-1962 (co-opted)
Béhague, Gérard USA 1995-1999
Bielawski, Ludwik Poland 1985-1987 (co-opted)
Bielawski, Ludwik Poland 1987-1991
Binson, Bussakorn Thailand 2017-2019 (co-opted)
Blacking, John UK 1976-1979
Blacking, John UK 1987-1989
Bröcker, Marianne Germany 1997-2007
Bröcker, Marianne Germany 2007-2009 (co-opted)
Bruinders, Sylvia South Africa 2025-2029
de Carvalho, João Soeiro Portugal 2019-2021 (co-opted)
Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan Portugal 1984-1987 (co-opted)
Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan Portugal 1987-1997
Ceribašić, Naila Croatia 2011-2023
Chaudhuri, Shubha India 1993-1999
Citro, Silvia Argentina 2019-2021 (co-opted)
Citro, Silvia Argentina 2021-2027
Christensen, Dieter USA 1970-1979 (co-opted)
Christensen, Dieter USA 1979-1991
Christensen, Dieter USA 1999 (co-opted)
Cooke, Peter UK 1978-1981 (co-opted)
Cooke, Peter UK 1981-1987
Corrêa de Azevedo, Luiz-Heitor Brazil 1970-1975 (co-opted)
Corrêa de Azevedo, Luiz-Heitor Brazil 1975-1976
Crossley-Holland, Peter UK 1963-1967 (co-opted)
Crossley-Holland, Peter UK 1967-1977
Czekanowska-Kuklinska, Anna Poland 1976-1979 (co-opted)
Czekanowska-Kuklinska, Anna Poland 1979-1985
Daems, Hendrik Belgium 1977-1982
Dal, Erik Denmark 1956-1969
Devčić, Natko Yugoslavia 1947-1953
Diamond, Beverley Canada 2001-2007
Diamond, Beverley Canada 2007-2009 (co-opted)
Diettrich, Brian New Zealand 2019-2025
Dragoi, Sabin Romania 1960-1962 (co-opted)
Dragoi, Sabin Romania 1962-1966
el-Mahdi, Salah Tunisia 1973-1983
Elschek, Oskár Czechoslovakia 1971-1987
Emrich, Duncan USA 1947-1953
Euba, O. Akin Nigeria 1971-1974 (co-opted)
Foley, Catherine Ireland 2015-2017 (co-opted)
Foley, Catherine Ireland 2017-2023
García, Miguel A. Argentina 2017-2019 (co-opted)
García Matos, Manuel Spain 1962-1964
Gerson-Kiwi, Edith Israel 1968-1981
Haywood, Charles USA 1970-1978 (co-opted)
Hemetek, Ursula Austria 2005-2007 (co-opted)
Hemetek, Ursula Austria 2007-2013
Hughes, David UK 1993-1999
Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali USA 1971-1985
Kaeppler, Adrienne L. USA 1999-2001 (co-opted)
Katz, Israel J. USA 1977-1978
Kennedy, Douglas UK 1947-1975
Kidula, Jean USA 2009-2015
Kishibe Shigeo Japan 1977-1983
Kraus, Egon Germany 1953-1958? (co-opted)
Kraus, Egon Germany 1958?-1981
Kunst, Jaap The Netherlands 1949-1951 (co-opted)
Kunst, Jaap The Netherlands 1951-1958
Lajtha Laszló Hungary 1947-1962
Lalendle, Lumkile South Africa 1997-1999 (co-opted)
Lee Hye-ku Korea 1979-1983 (co-opted)
Lee Hye-ku Korea 1983-1989
Lee Tong Soon Singapore/USA 2017-2022 (ex-officio)
Lewin, Olive Jamaica 1970-1981
Lewin, Olive Jamaica 1981-1983 (co-opted)
Lewin, Olive Jamaica 1983-1987
Maceda, José Philippines 1984-1985 (co-opted)
Maceda, José Philippines 1985-1989
Malm, Krister Sweden 1983-1995
Mapoma, I. Mwesa Zambia 1978-1981 (co-opted)
Mapoma, I. Mwesa Zambia 1981-1994
Marcel-Dubois, Claudie France 1947-1967
Marett, Allan Australia 1997-2003
Menezes Bastos, Rafael Brazil 1997-1999 (co-opted)
Michaelides, Solon Greece 1948-1951 (co-opted)
Michaelides, Solon Greece 1951-1968
Mohd Anis Md Nor Malaysia 2013-2015 (co-opted)
Muslu, Olcay Turkey 2023-2025 (co-opted)
Nataletti, Giorgio Italy 1949-1956 (co-opted)
Nettl, Bruno USA 1976-1977 (co-opted)
Niles, Don Papua New Guinea 2007-2013
Niles, Don Papua New Guinea
Nketia, J. H. Kwabena Ghana 1959-1971 (co-opted)
Nzewi, Meki Nigeria 1981-1983 (co-opted)
Nzewi, Meki Nigeria 1983-1985
Ó Briain, Lonán Ireland 2022-present (ex-officio)
O’Sullivan, Donal Ireland 1956-1962 (co-opted)
Omibiyi, Mosunmola Nigeria 1974-1975 (co-opted)
Omondi, Washington Kenya 1985-1988 (co-opted)
Opondo, Patricia South Africa 2001-2004 (co-opted)
Opondo, Patricia South Africa 2004-2009
Ostashewski, Marcia Canada 2019-2025
Ozah, Marie Agatha Nigeria 2015-2023
Ozah, Marie Agatha Nigeria 2023-2027
Palčok, Zoran Yugoslavia 1953-1955
Petridis, Petro Greece 1947-1951
Petrović, Radmila Yugoslavia 1971-1985
Pettan, Svanibor Slovenia 2001-2009
Pinon, Roger Belgium 1962-1963 (co-opted)
Pinon, Roger Belgium 1963-1971
Pop, Mihai Romania 1967-1971
Rajeczky Benjamin Hungary 1967-1979
Rekedal, Jacob Chile 2025-2027 (co-opted)
Rhodes, Willard USA 1956-1962 (co-opted)
Rhodes, Willard USA 1962-1967
Rice, Timothy USA 2007-2013
Ringer, Alexander USA 1967-1971 (co-opted)
Rovsing Olsen, Poul Denmark 1970-1977
Sandvik, Ole Mørk Norway 1947-1953
Santaella, Mayco A. Argentina/Malaysia 2023-2025 (co-opted)
Santaella, Mayco A. Argentina/Malaysia 2025-2029
Santos, Artur Portugal 1948-1951
Sardo, Susana Portugal 2023-2027
Sarkar Munsi, Urmimala India 2023-2025 (co-opted)
Sarkar Munsi, Urmimala India 2025-2029
Sárosi, Bálint Hungary 1978-1981 (co-opted)
Sárosi, Bálint Hungary 1981-1991
Saygun, Ahmed Adnan Turkey 1947-1962
Seebass, Tilman Austria 1999-2005
Seeger, Anthony USA 1987-1997
Seeger, Anthony USA 1999-2001
Seeger, Charles USA 1952-1953 (co-opted)
Seeger, Charles USA 1953-1956
Sheen Dae-Cheol Korea 2009-2011 (co-opted)
Smith, Barbara USA 1966-1970
Sordo Sodi, Carmen Mexico 1976-1978 (co-opted)
Stepputat, Kendra Austria 2021-2027
Stock, Jonathan P.J. UK 2004-2009
Stock, Jonathan P.J. UK 2013-2019
Stockmann, Erich Germany 1964-1975
Sultanova, Razia UK 2011-2013 (co-opted)
Sultanova, Razia UK 2013-2015 (co-opted)
Suppan, Wolfgang Germany 1985-1991
Szego, Kati Canada 2009-2011 (co-opted)
Szego, Kati Canada 2011-2017
Talam, Jasmina Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027
Tan Sooi Beng Malaysia 2005-2011
Tan Sooi Beng Malaysia 2015-2021
Terada Yoshitaka Japan 2013-2019
Tô Ngoc Thanh Vietnam 1999-2005
Tokumaru Yoshihiko Japan 1983-1989
Torp, Lisbet Denmark 1987-1989 (co-opted)
Torp, Lisbet Denmark 1989-1999
Trần Quang Hải France 2005-2011
Trần Quang Hải France 2011-2017
Trần Văn Khê Vietnam 1975-1979
Trimillos, Ricardo USA 1978-1985 (co-opted)
Trimillos, Ricardo USA 1985-1991
Trimillos, Ricardo USA 1991-1993 (co-opted)
Tsao Pen-Yeh Hong Kong 1989-1993 (co-opted)
Tsuge Gen’ichi Japan 1987-1989 (co-opted)
Tsuge Gen’ichi Japan 1989-2001
Tsukada Kenichi Japan 2001-2007
Vetterl, Karel Czechoslovakia 1962-1970
Vodušek, Valens Yugoslavia 1967-1971
Wachsmann, Klaus Uganda 1947-1957
Wachsmann, Klaus UK 1958-1963
Wachsmann, Klaus USA 1963-1965
Wachsmann, Klaus UK 1966-1970
Wang Yaohua China 2001-2005 (co-opted)
Wild, Stephen Australia 1989-1991 (co-opted)
Wild, Stephen Australia 1991-1997
Wiora, Walter Germany 1955-1956 (co-opted)
Wiora, Walter Germany 1956-1969
Witzig, Louise Switzerland 1947-1956
Witzleben, J. Lawrence USA 2009-2015
Witzleben, J. Lawrence USA 2015-2021
Wrazen, Louise Canada 2019-2023
Xiao Mei China 2011-2013 (co-opted)
Xiao Mei China 2013-2019
Yelemanova, Saida Kazakhstan 2013-2015 (co-opted)
van Zanten, Wim The Netherlands 1996-2005
van Zanten, Wim The Netherlands 2009-2011
Zemtsovsky, Izaly Russia 1989-1993 (co-opted)
Žganec, Vinko Yugoslavia 1955-1967


Secretaries General and equivalent positions

Name Country Period  ▾ Position
Karpeles, Maud UK 1947-1963 Secretary
Band, Robin W. I. UK 1963-1965 Executive Secretary
Krader, Barbara USA 1965-1966 Executive Secretary
Stallman, Felicia UK 1966-1967 Executive Secretary
Ejlers, Christian Denmark 1967-1968 Executive Secretary
Matthews, Connie Jamaica/Denmark 1968-1969 Executive Secretary
George, Graham Canada 1969-1972 Honorary Executive Secretary
George, Graham Canada 1972-1980 Secretary General
Christensen, Dieter USA 1981-2001 Secretary General
Seeger, Anthony USA 2001-2005 Secretary General
Wild, Stephen Australia 2006-2011 Secretary General
Pettan, Svanibor Slovenia 2011-2017 Secretary General
Hemetek, Ursula Austria 2017-2021 Secretary General
Lee Tong Soon Singapore/USA 2021-2025 Secretary General

Executive Secretaries and equivalent positions

Name Country Period  ▾ Position
Gwynn Williams, W. S. UK 1948-1955 Honorary Treasurer
Gwynn Williams, W. S. UK 1956-1966 Treasurer
Band, Robin W. I. UK 1962-1963 Executive Secretary
Skillen, Jane UK 1965-1967 Assistant Secretary
Matthews, Connie Jamaica/Denmark 1967 Assistant Secretary
Rovsing Olsen, Poul Denmark 1967-1969 Treasurer
Kirkiacharian, Chakée Denmark 1968-1969 Assistant Secretary
George, Tjot Canada 1969-1980 Assistant Secretary
Parkinson, T. H. R. Canada 1970-1976 Treasurer
Christensen, Nerthus USA 1981-2001 Executive Secretary
Salloum, Kelly USA 2001 Membership and Publication Coordinator
Salloum, Kelly USA 2002-2005 Membership and Publication Coordinator/Treasurer
Proberts, Lee-Anne Australia 2006-2011 Executive Assistant
Yoder, Carlos Argentina/Slovenia 2011-2022 Executive Assistant
Yoder, Carlos Argentina/Slovenia 2022-2025 Executive Secretary